Friday, May 1, 2015

How to Get Free Car Insurance Quotes

Everybody who drives a vehicle is required through state law to have car insurance on it. But sometimes you can find yourself besieged with all of the offers, as there are numerous car insurance companies from which to select . You can easily and quickly evaluate the various car insurance quotes and find an excellent policy. It will not cost you any money, but it will take about an hour or so of your time. You need to the have information on your car and a valid driver's license along with a few other items.
1. Collect your personal details. You need to have a valid state driver’s license, mailing address and phone number. You will be required to supply your work details, as well. This will include the company name, address, your occupation and miles driven to work. Have all of this information close at hand.

2. Assemble your vehicle paperwork. You must know the following information pertaining to your car: year, make, model and also the VIN (vehicle identification number). Do not forget your car's loan papers if you do not own it. If you currently have insurance, have a copy of your policy handy.

3. Find free car insurance quotes on the Internet. Open your Web browser and go to any of the links provided in the Resources section. Fill in the necessary information on each site by drawing on the paperwork you have collected. You will instantly obtain free information on some of the insurance sites. The quote will be provided either online or through a phone call from the company. This will take anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours, and you will soon have several free car insurance quotes to pick from.

Tips & Warnings
  • In order to receive accurate car insurance quotes to evaluate, you should always request the same type of coverages for your vehicle to each insurance company.
  • Examine all the little details of your vehicle insurance policy before signing any papers.

How to Get Cheaper Online Auto Insurance Quotes

Not only is auto insurance required by law but it's also a good thing to have should you get into an accident or your auto is stolen. Unfortunately rates vary greatly between auto insurance companies and the cost of the premiums can equal or even exceed the payments on your auto. This is especially true for new drivers or one with a poor driving record. With some research on your part and following some simple steps you too can get cheaper auto insurance quotes online.
1. Search around, don't automatically assume the largest companies will have the best rates. In fact, they spend a significant amount of money on advertising, which is paid for by you, their customer. Don't be afraid to visit sites of lesser known insurance companies, you'll be pleasantly surprised at their rates. Lot's of lesser known insurance companies will give you a lower online insurance quote, you just have to find them.

2. Take a defensive driving course. 5 hours of your time could equal 10% off your premiums. It's a good idea to take one of these every few years anyway as it will reduce your insurance rates and remove points from your license. A win - win situation for you. A little known fact is the motorcycle safety course also gives a discount on your auto insurance premiums. Make sure the insurance company knows you have the completion certificate, that way you'll get cheaper online auto insurance quotes.

3. Buy a auto with inherent lower insurance rates. Don't buy a Ferrari for a new 18 year old driver. Go with a safer auto, your rates will be much cheaper when you apply for an online insurance quote.

4. Instead of taking a low deductable. Take a $1000 deductable and just put $1000 in a savings account. Not only will your rates be lower, but your money will earn interest in the bank. Another win - win situation.

5.Don't automatically assume that adding a second vehicle to your existing policy will give you lower rates. Always get an online insurance quote listing both vehicles from another auto insurance company.

6. If your state allows insurance companies to check your credit rating as part of their quote then do everything you can to clean it up before you ask for an online auto insurance quote.

Tips & Warnings
  •  Always try lesser know even regional insurance companies first before you try the big insurance companies. You never know who will give you the cheapest online insurance quote.
  •  Take a defensive driving course, a few hours of your time could save you $100s of dollars.
  •  Don't buy a sports auto for your 18 year old child who just got his license. Go with a safer vehicle to get the cheapest online insurance quotes.

How to Get Affordable Car Insurance

Carrying car insurance is required in every state. It is never free but the good news is there are ways to find the cheapest and best insurance that meets your budget. The following will help you in your efforts in finding the car insurance for you.

1. Determine what is within your budget before buying auto insurance.

2. Check for rates prior to purchasing a vehicle. If you cannot afford the insurance, then you cannot afford the vehicle.

3. Keep good credit. A growing number of insurance companies base rates of their customers in their credit history.

4. Drive safely. Your driving history is the number one factor insurance companies use when calculating an insurance quote.

5. Buy minimum coverage. Minimum liability coverage, determined by each state, will save you more money than carrying a large, full coverage policy.

6. Carry liability insurance if there is no lien on your vehicle. This is the absolute minimum and cheapest coverage you may carry on your vehicle.

7. Raise the deductibles. This may save you 30 to 40 percent.

8. Carry insurance with your home insurance provider. Companies usually give a break for those carrying multiple insurance policies with them.

9. Buy insurance online. Cutting out the middleman will often save you money.

10. Ask for discounts such as being an older driver, multi-car or even driver education courses discounts.

How to Get the Best Car Insurance With the Lowest Premium Rates

Insurance is usually an easy place where you can cut your personal budget. Provided you have a contract that meets your needs and a responsive customer service department, the lowest price is always the best deal. The auto insurance market in particular is very competitive. This makes it easier for you to save money on car insurance rates. While finding the cheapest premiums may take a bit of time, the money saved makes it worth the effort.
Before Shopping 
1. Develop a great driving record. Always obey the speed limit and other driving laws. Drive defensively, since even accidents that aren't your fault will count against you when insurance companies determine your rates.

2. Stay on your parents' insurance as long as possible. Your rates will almost definitely go up as soon as you buy your own insurance.

3. Take a defensive-driving course from the American Safety Council or the National Safety Council. These courses are state-specific, and not all insurance companies offer discounts based on them.

4.Maintain a good credit score. Some insurance companies offer discounts based on a good credit score.

While Choosing 
1. Compare prices from different insurance companies. Despite offering essentially the same product, insurance prices can vary widely. Select the least expensive three or four to investigate further.

2. If you have renter's, homeowner's or life insurance, call your current company and ask for auto rates. Some will give you a multiple-policy discount.

3. Call the companies you want to compare. Ask for group rates if you belong to organizations such as AARP, the military or a fraternity. Also ask about any other discounts, such as those for special vehicular safety equipment.

4. Determine final costs after discounts are applied and choose your insurer based on the final price.

Purchase and Maintenance 
1. When you purchase your insurance, choose a high deductible. Put the money you save in a savings account and use it to pay the deductible if you have an accident.

2. Pay as much of your insurance coverage as possible in advance. Monthly rates are more affordable, but they also add significant costs to your overall cost.

3. Always maintain coverage with no lapses. Insurers generally charge more for reinstatement of insurance, and your rates thereafter will be higher.

How to Find the Top 10 Car Insurance Companies

Cars have to be insured, (unless you live somewhere that insurance is not compulsory) but trying to find the best coverage at the most reasonable price can be daunting. The top 10 car insurers listed in this article appeared in 5 surveys conducted by different companies. All of the car insurers below appeared in the top 10 of all the surveys we reviewed.

1. Choose a company based on multiple factors. You definitely want a car insurer that’s been in the business for a long period of time and that has a proven reputation. It’s always a good idea to check a company’s credit rating, it may have a large impact on their ability to provide adequate insurance and pay claims.

2. Use the following list to take a closer look at a company you are interested in. Remember to examine all aspects of an insurance company; including its credit rating, longevity, premiums and customer satisfaction. Listed below are the top 10 rated car insurance companies. The information for the top 10 car insurers on this list is compiled from Auto, Consumer Search Insurance Quote Review The Top Tens and Auto Insurance Claim Advice.
  • 21st Century
  •  Allstate
  •  America
  •  American Family
  •  Auto Owners
  •  GEICO
  • Liberty Mutual
  •  Nationwide
  •  Progressive
 3. Understand how car insurers develop their premium quotes. You are being rated on your driving history, age, gender, geographical location, (the companies listed above may not provide insurance for cars in other countries such as Australia, Canada, the UK, Northern Ireland and New Zealand) marital status, the amount of miles you drive annually and the make, model and age of your car. Your premiums may be discounted for the following reasons:
  •  Clean driving record
  •  Low mileage
  •  Anti-theft devices
  • Academic record (for student drivers)
  • Marital status and home ownership
  • Multiple policy holders (using the same company to insure your house, boat or RV, for example)

4. Always compare the quotes from at least 4 companies before you decide on which policy to purchase. Some companies may not offer the same kind of discounts. It’s also smart to get quotes from 4 or 5 national companies and then ask your local car insurer[6] if they can do better.

  • The rankings mentioned in this article are for nationwide companies, but you should check into regional companies as well. Many regional companies are extremely competitive with larger insurers.
  •  If you have a poor driving record, check out some companies that are most likely to insure you: Dairy land Auto, (division of Sentry) State Farm, Allstate and Progressive. Again, these companies may not insure cars or drivers that are not present where they are based.
  •  If you are in the US military, get quotes from USAA (United States Armed Forces Association). This company consistently showed up in the top 10, but their coverage is available only to U.S. military personnel and their families.

How to Get the Cheapest Car Insurance

Getting discounts on your car premium quotes is easy if you know how to shop for it. Auto insurance companies offer several discounts if you prove that you are a low-risk driver. Here are some ways to get the cheapest car insurance.

1. Ask your insurance company representative if you qualify for premium discounts. You may get a cheap quote depending on your profession. For example, writers who work from home usually pay a low premium. They drive less and are not prone to hectic life schedules, since they work from home.

2. Learn the art of lowering the quotes. If you choose a residence closer to your workplace, you will pay a lower premium. Moreover, if your home is located in a safe neighborhood (low crime rate), you qualify for a cheaper quote.

3. Consider buying a multi-person policy. You can get coverage for more people under one policy. Put the names of family members under the name of the person who has the best driving record.

4. Renew policies from the same insurance company. Often companies provide discounts on renewals. The moment you establish a driving record with a company, it knows you are likely to get a cheaper quote from other providers. This qualifies you for a lower quote. Moreover, if you had no claims during your previous terms, you qualify for such discounts.

5. Take a defensive driver's course. You will receive a certificate of defensive driving that you will have to submit to your company at the time of application. Taking this course lowers your premium substantially.

6. Submit your report card if you are a young driver studying at an educational institution. If your report card is excellent, you are likely to receive a cheaper quote.

7. Take advantage of being a senior citizen. You may qualify for senior discounts and get cheap insurance.

Tips & Warnings
  • While these steps will help you receive a cheaper quote, don't forget to shop around for rates to get the cheapest quote.
  • Talk to the agent and ask about every possible discount. If membership to certain institutions or clubs qualifies you to get more discounts, become a member.
  • Maintain a good driving record at all times, and especially stay away from speeding tickets.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance

If you are looking to get cheap car insurance realize that this is a misnomer. You can, though, reduce the price of your car insurance by reducing your coverage. You can also reduce your cost of car insurance by speaking to your insurance agent about applicable discounts for which you might qualify.

1. Choose state minimum coverage for your least expensive car insurance option.
  • ach state has its own requirements for liability insurance coverage. Indiana, for example, requires coverage of $25,000 to cover bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident, $50,000 to cover bodily injury to or death of two or more people in any one accident, or $10,000 to cover injury to or destruction of property of others in an accident.
  • Visit the website of the insurance companies that help with state minimum coverage including Safe Auto or The General.
  • Click on the request a quote option, and fill out your information truthfully. Screener questions will include what state you live in, the number of drivers you are insuring, the number of vehicles to insure as well as the coverage you are expecting. Most sites can give you a quote in minutes.
 2. Consider reducing your coverage, but keep it above state minimum if you are only looking to reduce your costs temporarily.
The first two options to consider revising if you are in a financial crunch would be your comprehensive and collision. You can lower your costs by increasing your deductibles in these two areas.

3. Ask your agent to lower your liability and medical payments insurance.
4. Question your agent about whether their company offers multi-car or multi-line discounts. By adding more policies to your coverage, most insurance companies will help you reduce your cost by around 20 to 40 percent.
5. Confer with your agent to see if anti-theft devices will help lower the cost of your coverage. If so, invest in the devices that qualify you for a discount.
Pay online or have your payment directly withdrawn or debited from your bank account. Some companies can also set you up to pay via credit card on a regular basis. All of these options can be cost savers because they reduce the amount of postal mail and printing costs for the company.

Don't be afraid to compare prices on car insurance, but make sure that you are looking at coverage as well. You want to make sure that you are comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges. A price may seem lower, but if you are not comparing the same coverage, you may be hurting yourself in the long run by not purchasing enough or the correct coverage.